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  • Erin Zeringue

Glimpses from Gemba

Columbus Community Hospital

A3 Healthcare salutes our entire American healthcare community for the strength and selflessness demonstrated both at the bedside and behind the scenes to fight COVID-19. We extend our wholehearted support and appreciation, and remain dedicated to fixing our biggest challenges in healthcare using the powerful tools and principles of Lean Six Sigma. Over the next few weeks, we will be releasing short, helpful Lean solutions to solve common issues we may experience during this crisis. We will also be posting photos of fellow industry friends during this time titled: Glimpses from Gemba. These will serve as a reminder to the rest of our country what it’s like to be on the frontline of healthcare right now. Please send any images or messages you’d like to contribute to

What is gemba?

The Japanese word gemba translates as “the real place”. We know that gemba in healthcare is where value is provided – right there with the patient, at the bedside. A3 Healthcare teaches leaders to GO TO GEMBA in order to constantly improve, finding ways to add value. Right now, as leaders, going to gemba is more important than ever to support our healthcare heroes. Ask these basic questions during a modified gemba walk:

  1. What challenges are you facing right now?

  2. What challenges do you anticipate in a few days?

  3. Do you know how to escalate concerns?

We know solving these problems might be far more complex during today’s environment, but don’t underestimate the value of your team seeing you there: observing, recognizing, communicating, and experiencing gemba with them. How can A3 Healthcare help during these trying times? Send us a message!

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