What We Do
Cultivating High Performance Teams​
Measure current cultural engagement and transparency through powerful LSS-based tools and surveys
Engage leaders to learn tools and LSS methods for sustainable improvement
Educate, train and certify leaders to lead change
Cultivate change agents for rapid and continuous innovation
Evolve cultures for transforming systems and their processes
Inspire every level with solutions for achieving long term, high reliability
Guest speak for key retreats, meetings or internal/external forums
Solve Healthcare Challenges​
Through Lean Six Sigma methodology, transform siloed-think into systems-think for leading change and igniting performance improvement in
Clinical quality and safety
Patient experience and service
Employee retention
Executive/board competency
Through scientific rigor, assess and address performance and process issues, bottlenecks, inefficiencies and waste
Assess readiness and prepare organizations for accreditation, certification, surveys and assessments
Provide practical approaches to everyday organizational responsibilities and activities, regardless of role or level within the organization
Drive Winning Strategy​
Facilitate organizational planning and strategy initiatives
Structure and develop high-performance clinical, operational and strategic plans
Through crosswalked data profiling tools, position organizations for improving competitiveness, publicly reported performance rankings, ensuing payment reform and growing cost pressures