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A3 Healthcare Launches All-new Virtual Training Center

Customized training for hospital association member hospitals – made easy!

A3 Healthcare partners hospital associations and its healthcare professional members to fix what’s broken in healthcare. Delivering powerful, high impact resources and education to leaders of all levels across the United States, our master black belt and quality experts teach and certify participants in the proven principles and methodologies of LEAN and six sigma. Learning environments engage individuals and groups through coursework both virtually, on-demand, and in person, for igniting rapid change.


Book your training or hospital profiles before March 1, 2024 and save on the below dynamic training opportunities!

Discount code: TRAIN2024

2024 Hospital association-centered training and resources at-a-glance:


Public reporting profiling







Targeted collaborative training




LEAN Six Sigma belt training and certification





Targeted 1-day


1. Public reporting profiling

Help member hospitals achieve A’s and 5-star ratings with A3’s all new Public Ratings Hospital Performance Profile. Evidence suggests that hospitals with better quality process scores have lower mortality rates and better patient outcomes. In turn, higher scores are linked to healthier reimbursement, lower financial penalties, and an overall lower cost of care.

Act now! To see your state’s ranking in safety grades, click here. To request your entire state’s grades by hospital, send us a note here.

For support with performance score improvement, A3 offers special discounted pricing for robust profiles that hospital associations may offer to member hospitals or larger collaboratives via a group-enroll link. Learn more about the reports we produce here. Act now before the 2024 Spring publicly reported courtesy data review period closes March 15, 2024.


2. LEAN Six Sigma training and certification

A3 provides training and certification to healthcare leaders of all levels, equipping hospital associations with the high impact tools required to effect rapid change. Coursework duration meets the needs of today’s busy healthcare professionals and results in a belt certification.

On-demand virtual yellow belt certification:
Rooted in proven Lean and Six sigma methodologies, A3’s customized yellow belt certification program for healthcare professionals consists of six 30-minute on-demand courses in DMAIC – Introduction to Lean Six Sigma (LSS), Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control.


Act now! A3 currently offers a Winter special (15% discount) for 10+ users if enrolled before March 1, 2024. Cost is based on the number of users per each hospital association, and we enroll your users by email. Request info here.

In-person or live/virtual green belt certification:
A3’s signature course! Hospital associations select two team members from various organizations across the state to attend five one-day sessions on Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control over a 6–8-month period. The teams are coached through LEAN and six sigma applications between training sessions as they apply their new skills to solving a pervasive problem in their organization or community. Following the cohort, teams present their projects and earn green belt certification. Training can be done either virtually (live, i.e., Zoom training) or in-person, with many states demonstrating equally strong results between the two models.

Physician-specific live/virtual green belt certification:
Hospital associations select one physician and one staff member from various organizations across the state to attend five one-day sessions on Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control over a 6–8-month period. The physicians are coached through LEAN and six sigma applications between training sessions as they apply their new skills to solving a pervasive problem in their organization or community. Following the cohort, physician teams present their projects and earn green belt certification. Training can be done either virtually (live, i.e., Zoom training) or in-person, with many states demonstrating equally strong results between the two models. Watch what physicians have to say about the process.


3. Targeted collaborative training

Have an idea about a specific focus for your state? A3 partners with hospital associations to build custom courses to solve your specific challenges! Examples include:


  • Improving antibiotic stewardship
    A3 collaborative of eight hospitals trained on LSS (DMAIC) and applied the methodology to projects within their organizations to focus on appropriate selection of antibiotics and appropriate timing and duration. Results: 80% reduction of antibiotic use beyond culture-negative results.


  • Improving maternal outcomes
    A3 collaborative of twelve teams applied LSS (DMAIC) to study the factors associated with negative maternal outcomes across the state, and improved processes associated with recognizing and managing hypertension and Social Determinants of Health (SDoH).


  • Implementing a state-wide surgical checklist
    A3 collaborative of 37 hospitals throughout a state to infuse principles of high reliability into the adoption of a standardized surgical checklist. Over 10 monthly webinars and ongoing coaching, multi-disciplinary teams implemented a safe surgery checklist and measured and submitted compliance, resulting in statistically significant improvement across all eight domains of culture of safety survey in the operating rooms.

Read more on A3’s customized collaboratives. Contact us to discuss your ideas.


4. Targeted one-day courses

Using interactive tools that ignite positive group dynamics, A3 travels to hospitals and state associations around the country to provide fast-paced, high impact one-day coaching courses. Aimed to cultivate leader skills that inspire and align, participants gain rapid knowledge for effecting urgent clinical and operational performance improvement goals and objectives. One-day dynamic training events include:


  • LEAN for Leaders

  • Accelerating Change and Improving Performance

  • LEAN Six Sigma and High Reliability

  • LEAN for Throughput

  • LEAN Supply Management – 5S

Request more info on A3’s one-day programs here.

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